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Tuttle Legal


If you are having financial issues such as credit card debt, medical bills, or a deficiency law suit you are not along.  When considering settling your debts or even filing bankruptcy, it is important to be an informed consumer.  The correct information on how to best settle your debt, the Bankruptcy filing process, filing requirements, and the different Bankruptcy Chapters, along with speaking with an experienced and knowledgable Allentown Bankruptcy Attorney, will help you make an informed decision in this difficult time.


Our firm understands debt settlement, bankruptcy and restructuring law and can navigate you through the legal system to help you keep your assets and begin rebuilding your financial future with whatever avenue you choose.  Your best financial outcome is our main priority. We have a long history of helping thousands of people find the financial relief they deserve.

Alexander Tuttle Debt Attorney Allentown PA




Here at Tuttle Legal, our primary focus is you. In our office, we have represented 1000s of people through some of the toughest times in their lives in civil actions, mortgage foreclosure proceedings, and bankruptcy.  


It is our practice to provide you the most stress-free experience possible, while using a combination of innovative legal strategies and tried and true methods to best fit your financial and legal needs. 


We realize that whatever is going on that has brought you to us is probably the most important thing going on in your life right now.  So let’s see what’s happening, come up with a plan, and get you back on your feet.  


We can schedule a free consultation for you in one of our convenient offices in Allentown in the Lehigh Valley or Lansdale, or else discuss your situation over the phone or on a video chat.

Allentown Bankruptcy Office Tuttle Legal
Allentown Bankruptcy Lawyer Library Tuttle Legal
Allentown Bankruptcy Law Waiting Room Tuttle Legal

Awards and Recognition

Top Attorney Lawyer
Top Attorney Lawyer of Distiction

Areas Of Law


Piggy Bank (1).png


Foreclosure Attorney


Debt Allentown Lehigh Civil




What Our Clients Are Saying

Alex helps people in their time of need. In my line of work I need someone with the knowedge and commitment to fight for the people and have success. This is Alex.

-John B.

A Firm Devoted to Serving You 

Free Case Evaluation

Personalized Service Tailored to Each Client

Affordable Payment Plans Available

Stress Free Office Environment & Caring Staff

Well Versed in the Two-Part Bankruptcy Means Test

Knowledgable in all Areas of Debt Relief,

Not Just Bankruptcy

Appointments Available in Person, Phone, Facetime, Zoom & Skype

Has Represented Thousands of Clients in Civil Actions, Foreclosures, & Bankruptcy 

Top Bankruptcy Filing Attorney in the Philadelphia Suburbs &

the Lehigh Valley


Alexander Tuttle, Esquire

Montgomery County:  

2303 North Broad Street   

Suite #2    

Colmar, PA 18915 


Lehigh Valley:

1101 Hamilton Street

Suite #256

Allentown, PA 18101



Phone Number:

(215) 723-7969


(215) 600-3348

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